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4.19.2021 First Mini Review: DJ Shadow - Endtroducing

Rating: 8.5 / 10


Hi! Welcome to my first mini review, this is of Endtroducing by DJ Shadow Obviously this is one of the most important and iconic instrumental hip hop albums ever made and rightfully so in my humble opinion. This album holds a strange place held by many old school legendary artists in hip hop. If you are a fan of the genre there's zero doubt that you have heard of and listened to this album, but to people who aren't fans of the genre, this album is largely unheard. I think the reason for that is that although nowadays many of the sensibilities that are explored in this album are anything but experimental in mainstream hip hop. Things like out of time drum breaks mini drops, and effect riddled record scratching could even be considered things of the past in modern hip hop. However when reviewing this album we need to remember it was made in 1995! This means that many of these ideas were extremely fresh, showing how this record really did pave the way for a lot of early 2000s hip hop. Another thing in this album that changed hip hop largely was the choir chanting sampled throughout it. This is another thing of the past largely in hip hop, but this album started the trend. One thing this album does suffer from is obnoxiousness. At points the drum breaks stop being fun and just start becoming a damn headache, this type of stuff is without a doubt the album's biggest flaw. However something the album absolutely does not suffer from, is versatility! You can chill to it, study to it, skateboard to it, play games to it, sleep to it, anything! This album truly can be lifes soundtrack if that’s what you want!

So, those are my thoughts on this album! It's undeniably a classic despite suffering a little from some mild flaws, but I still have nothing but respect for it, and what its done! 8.5 / 10

You can stream it here!


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